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Could poor gut health be contributing to your high blood pressure?

Did you ever consider that your gut microbiome can influence your heart health?

High blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the most prevalent and dangerous risk factors for cardiovascular disease worldwide. If you have hypertension, chances are that the GP will not have considered the state of your microbiome, and yet research shows that bacterial species can offer heart protective metabolites that can influence your health.

A systematic review by Nail et al (2022) evaluated studies of this subject and they concluded that there was a significant difference in richness and diversity of gut microbiota in hypertensive individuals. In particular, an increased abundance of more harmful bacteria species (Klebsiella, Shigella and more), and a decreased abundance of helpful bacteria (Roseburia, Sporoacter and more).

The ways in which bacteria can influence blood pressure is believed to be less helpful bacteria producing protective short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) entering into circulation, whilst increased levels of lipopolysaccharides and TMAO from harmful bacteria. Combined, this promotes gut inflammation and barrier dysfunction which can contribute to hypertension.

If you are suffering with high blood pressure, it could be that a comprehensive stool test with a functional lab is holding a key to understanding the root cause of your hypertension. Sounds feasible? Contact me if you’d like to find out more or even better, book in a free call with me to see if I can help.

DOI: 10.7759/cureus.29927


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