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Keeping our kids healthy

Did you know that refined carbohydrates and sugary foods can directly contribute to an increased frequency of colds and infections?

Glucose monsters

We are getting back to school, it's easy to think perhaps we start the day with a bowl of sugary refined 'healthier' cereal*, or maybe we should 'treat' our children after a heavy day in class with a sugary snack in the playground. Refined carbohydrates are high in glucose, lacking of nutrients and fibre.. which means they are super-rapidly absorbed.

* more on healthy breakfasts to come...

How do refined carbs make us vulnerable to infection?

Research has shown that glucose has a suppressing effect on the immune system that can last for as long as 5 hours! The role of the immune system is to recognise viruses or bacteria and coordinate immune cells to the site of infection. Glucose stops the movement of these immune cells in their tracks! This can then allow those pesky microbes to proliferate, making you vulnerable to infection.

It's about making the right food choices

Nutritional therapy helps you understand why certain nutrients are vital for health, and what you can do to your everyday diet and lifestyle to feel better. It's important for me to share the knowledge with you in such a way that you can make these connections.

"Nic was really thorough and passionate about explaining good and bad food and drink choices, which in turn helped me understand why and how to make the right choices" – supporting a client with frequent infections

Would you like me to review your diet?

If you feel that your diet could do with an overhaul, or not sure where to start on making these healthy 'swaps' to cut down your refined carbs and sugar, please get in touch with me! I'm going to be running a 7-day refined carb challenge in October - subscribe to my newsletter to find out more!

* healthy breakfasts will feature heavily in my 7-day refined carb challenge ;)

What next?

I would love to hear your story and see if nutritional therapy can work for you. Click here to book a free 30-minute call! Or leave a comment below with your thoughts.

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