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Time to shift your way of eating

As refined carbohydrates have crept into the mainstay of our diet, our plates become skewed towards pasta, rice and bread with a little bit of protein on the side. We snack on highly addictive sugary, bready snacks that send reward signals to the brain. We go back for more. And largely it is at the expense of vegetables, fruit, healthy fats and protein.

Research shows that this model of eating is wrong.

Are you insulin resistant?

When we eat refined carbs, those glucose molecules are very quickly absorbed into your blood stream. There is not a lot else they can do! After all, they have been stripped of fibre and nutrients, they are lacking in phytochemicals and antioxidants. They have no padding to slow down their transit through your digestive system.

The rush of glucose causes insulin levels to rise. And over time you can become insulin resistant. Do any of these sound familiar to you:

  • you are overweight

  • you lead a sedentary lifestyle

  • you often experience chronic tiredness

  • you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure

  • you have been diagnosed with PCOS

  • you find it difficult to lose weight

These may be signs that your cells are finding it increasingly difficult to manage blood sugar and you could be insulin resistant.

Why does it matter?

It matters because insulin resistance can contribute to health conditions as diverse as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, gout, acne, prostate & breast cancer, Alzheimer's, atherosclerosis and hypertension.. just to name a few.

What can be done about it?

The good news is that nutritional therapy is absolutely front and centre of how we can help people with insulin resistance, and therefore work with people who are suffering with some of these chronic conditions.

Sign up on my home page to join my 7-day refined carb challenge in October where you can see how easy it is to make some simple and effective changes to your diet for the good!

"Nic's advice has been life changing and has forced me to think about what I eat and drink" – supporting a client with pre-diabetes (insulin resistance)

I would love to hear your story and see if nutritional therapy can work for you. Click here to book a free 30-minute call! Or leave a comment below with your thoughts.


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